Weekend Dissipation


      Friday brings anticipation;

      promise of rejuvenation.




The List begins–

Chores and household obligation,

Squeeze in time for jubilation.


    Sunday whispers, “Spirit waken,”

    Too soon dawns the realization:

    The List,

    Forever long,

    Defying expiration.

    Abandoned chores–

    Exchanged for contemplation,

    Treasured inspiration,

    Until time forces


    to weekday preparation.


9 responses »

  1. Pingback: floating floating | hungry shadow

    • Hi Shadow. I’m not sure why you gave me a mention, but I appreciate it. Seems good that you have a place where you can be completely honest. Your blog is very honest and open. How long have you been blogging?


  2. I’ve been slowly marking off the items on my list, taking care of the obligations, hoping for time for the things that touch my heart and soul. A perfect poem to express my feelings, Joan – thank you.


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