Tag Archives: #2022Hopes #2022Promises #2022Dreams #writingprompt #wordpress #challenge #blogevent #roundup #newyear #resolutions

2022: People of Earth Sharing Hopes, Dreams, Promises Against All Odds

2022: People of Earth Sharing Hopes, Dreams, Promises Against All Odds

We got our hopes up that 2021 would be better than 2020. That we could stop wearing masks. Get together again. Go on vacation again. But she wasn’t so kind, that new year. COVID brought us more punches, more anguish, more supply chain shortages. Crowds looted stores to get what they wanted. Trash piled up in many neighborhoods. Recycling came to a grinding halt. Shootings reached an all-time high. Many schools remained closed. Perhaps it was a bit Grinchie of me, but I wondered if perhaps 2022 would come without hopes or dreams. Perhaps we’d given up on the idea that things can–or will–get better. So, looking at the world through social media eyes and in keeping with the Grinch theme, here’s what I found–

“Their mouths will hang open a minute or two,
Then the Whos down in Whoville will all cry BooHoo!”

I started a Round-up, and gave it a name. Added hashtags and spread them and searched for the same. I wanted to see what the people would do. I wanted to see if they’d all cry BooHoo!

So he paused. And the Grinch put his hand to his ear.
And he did hear a sound rising over the snow.
It started in low. Then it started to grow.
But the sound wasn’t sad! Why, this sound sounded merry!
It couldn’t be so! But it WAS merry! VERY!

At first I saw nothing. No one hashtagging hope. No one hashtagging dreams. Not even a gleam. No one promising better. I searched all through WordPress. I searched on the Twitter. I even searched Instagram, Facebook and Jitter.

(Okay, Jitter isn’t really a platform, but it rhymed. Seuss made up words didn’t he?)

And then came the first. Then another. Then more! Writers were starting to write from their core! The world started sharing. Admitting to caring.

They’d curled up in comfortable places to dream. They’d looked in the mirror, eyes starting to gleam. They’d promised to take better care of the planet. They’d promised to hug with their masks and hand-sanit. They’d hoped upon hope with the simplest of joys. They’d hoped beyond packages, ribbons and toys.

He stared down at Whoville! The Grinch popped his eyes!
Then he shook! What he saw was a shocking surprise!
Every Who down in Whoville, the tall and the small,
Was singing! Without any presents at all!

The earthlings had done it! They’d lifted their voice! It isn’t all gloom! We do have a choice! And so, in the wonder of holiday cheer, I share with you some of their voices, right here!

First there is Pamela Canepa, dear. She’s from New York and is making it clear. . . that simple is better to ring in the year. https://pamelascanepa.wordpress.com/

Then there’s Steven McFadden, who’s taken a cause. He’s hoping the world will sustain against odds. https://deepagroecology.org/

Reesa Shayne shared on Facebook, right on cue! She hopes “Every wish you have for yourself comes true.” And it looks like she has some awesome books that are new!

Thoughtsnlifeblog made a promise to step into the year with ease and grace. That’s a promise I think we all can embrace!

And over at Merril D Smith’s lovely site, you’ll find that she offers a promise of light.

Roth finds that hope blooms after the cold, and Kally dreams of a new little bundle to hold.

There are more, my dear readers, more to be had. So come on, and share, join the group and be glad! Link up in the comments, I’m sure to approve. Give hope a try; you’ve got nothing to lose.

Well, that’s enough of this silly post rhyming for now–I smile as you’ve given this old heart some “Wow!”

And what happened then? Well…in Whoville they say,
That the Grinch’s small heart Grew three sizes that day!

Happy New Year!

Joan T. Warren

And in 2022, may your hopes and dreams spur you on to make a great difference, one day at a time.

2022: Hopes, Promises and Dreams

2022: Hopes, Promises and Dreams

Let’s get ready for those new year resolutions! Here at Heart to Heart, we’re drawing 2021 to a close by hosting a prompt/roundup for all of us WordPress bloggers and readers!

Tell us or show us, through writing or pictures, what your hopes, promises and dreams are for the coming year. What is hope? Are you hoping for things that will take a miracle? Is hope something that keeps you going, or have you been experiencing hopelessness? Maybe you’d like to promise yourself something special this year. Or perhaps you have a promise to the world for this year. Are you charged by a wild dream; one that you know is out of reach in one year, but you can’t help but aim for the stars? Tell us! Be funny if you’re funny, serious if you’re serious; just be you!

Tag your post with #2022Hopes #2022Promises or #2022Dreams so we can find each others’ posts, and be sure to drop a link to your post in comments, below! If you do, I #promise I’ll read it! I’ll share all those that meet requirements on my New Year’s Roundup post!

Who knows? Maybe your post will inspire someone this year. Maybe your post will lift a down heart. Maybe your post will bring a smile to someone’s face. Or even a laugh!

Let’s get ready for a Happy New Year! Start writing. . .

Please try to post by January 1st, 2022.