Tag Archives: favorites

What Makes a Favorite a Favorite?

What Makes a Favorite a Favorite?

Question of the day, to you: What was your favorite subject in school?

Your answer may vary depending upon the age that comes to mind.

It may vary depending on the teacher who comes to mind. Or the way you naturally excelled in one subject more than another.

So many variables play into what becomes favored vs. avoided. When you consider your answer, tell me about all that comes to mind.

I’m a firm believer in the power of FUN to engage learning. Fun opens the brain to make powerful connections. So does emotion as a whole—but if a subject is favored, it is because of positive emotions. Movement also serves to enhance memory. Learning the alphabet while swinging, the number line while jumping on the hopscotch board, and writing cursive in huge sweeping movements on the blackboard. . . all fun ways to engage the brain.

Even at higher levels, this holds true.

Picture the massive chalkboards for physics from the movie Hidden Figures. Fun, right? Climbing the ladder and reaching across to write the formulas, then standing back to take it all in? What kid inside us doesn’t want to climb that ladder?

Toss in some real-life time travel such as the action-packed Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure and you really get history.

Then there’s the power of positive reinforcement. Did your favorite subject bring you praise and good attention? Did Mom really love your art? Did your math teacher charm your socks off? Did your friends all envy your ability to sing, or dance or write? Did your teacher write A+++++ across the board like Alfie’s in A Christmas Story?

Maybe you loved a challenge. If they said no way, you were one it. The first to solve a puzzle, complete a worksheet, align the planets in your model of the Solar System, make the highest flying rocket or biggest volcano. The thrill of tackling a hard problem and winning it is another way we love to learn.

Now, get to thinking, and tell me yours. While you’re at it, can you guess mine?

Click to visit Amazon for this FUN book!

Yours Truly,

Joan T. Warren