Tag Archives: power



Ever wish someone would yell, “Cut!” and you’d get a chance to do the scene over?

Maybe you lost your temper. Maybe you felt the fool after spilling your guts. Or, maybe you tripped and fell, beginning years of pain and frustration.

There are all types of fumbles, and we all make plenty of them.

Only occasionally do we get a chance for a real do-over.

You may have noticed that much of my writing takes a positive vibe. I like to share messages that inspire goodness and mercy. I like to get into meaty matters of the heart. That’s because I’m a grateful recipient of mercy and grace—and of many opportunities for do-overs!

But I love do-overs as hobbies, too. I love to re-do furniture, do and re-do art, and re-do stuff in my house. Since I’ve spent a lot of time on projects, and haven’t been writing enough, I decided to take this blog in a little different direction. I’m going to start weaving in projects I work on with my spare time!

There’ll be a little how-to with these projects, and I’ll weave some matters of heart, inspiration and reflection along the way. How do you like the sound of that? They say we bloggers need to stick to theme, so in the past I started other blogs for other endeavors, but my gut tells me this, the “writing” blog, needs a little more pizazz. A little more of the real, every day me.

Here’s a little intro, please tell me what you think:

Repurposed Old Cabinet

Found: old cabinet for sale nearby—and less than $100! But this ole gal was bland.
And, Oh my God, what is that awful smell inside???

It reminded me of one of the bold proclamations Jesus made to the insincere religious men of his day:

“You Pharisees and teachers are in for trouble! You’re nothing but show-offs. You’re like tombs that have been whitewashed. On the outside they are beautiful, but inside they are full of bones and filth.”

Matthew 23:28, Contemporary English Version

Yes, this cabinet looked okay on the outside. It was white (ish) and neutral (meh); not really offensive. . . kinda pretty even. But inside! Not only are those shelves too short to store most things (dysfunctional!) but they were poorly painted–and what in the world is that smell?!?!!

Stink. Stank. Stunk!

So into the garage she went, to air out and undergo some much-needed cleaning and refinishing.

I removed the shelves, deep-cleaned every inch inside and out, sprayed her down with disinfectant and Febreeze, and she still. stunk. BAD. It was IN the wood, whatever it was. I placed baking soda inside the cupboard and drawer and let it set a day or two.

Hmmm. Still a little stinky. Maybe fresh paint will do the trick, I thought. So I didn’t give up.

After several coats, inside and out, I only smelled that stank when she’d been closed up overnight and then opened again.

Hmmm. Maybe she just needs a little more time to heal. Let’s give her a new purpose. Once she gets going serving a good purpose, maybe some of that old ghastly odor will dissipate.

So, I added a $5 mirror from a second-hand store (which I refurbished the frame to lighten it yet let its pretty design show through), some wine glass holders ($15 each, painted and attached to the top) and a light strip along the top inside of the cabinet. Then I added a little extra touch on the door front, feeling she deserved a little something fancy front and center. Now she has a prominent place and function in our home!

Just a little bit fancy!
Now she’s clean and pretty inside and filled with “spirit!”

Oh, sorry—apologies to those of us who must avoid alcohol due to that unwelcome “allergy” known as addiction. I have an allergy too (gluten) that means I must avoid bread. Sometimes it’s hard to even see a picture of my old friend, bread. But I still keep it in the house and serve it to my family. I truly hope that this picture doesn’t throw anyone addicted to alcohol back into drinking.

With the help of a little air freshening device inside the drawer for a month or so, I’m happy to say this gal no longer stinks. She got a do-over in life! Now she smiles and curtsies bashfully when people rave about how lovely she is. She is glad to serve a purpose—to hold and present items that we and our visitors seem to enjoy. She is hospitable, bright, and, one more little thing—she can lock up at night!

Take the key and lock her up. . . my fair lady!

I love do-overs. Maybe that’s the heart of why I’m a Christian. I love that God gives me do-overs. Yes, I realize that if I mess up there are still real-life consequences. Like, if I jump off a tall building, I’ll break my body. And if I eat bread, cereal, cookies—anything with gluten, I will suffer for it. And there’s gluten in almost everything!! But in my relationship with God through Christ, I am reminded of the good that is in me. God took my hurt, angry and lost soul and gave me new life. He cleaned out the stink. He comforts my heart with such patience and kindness that I feel renewed again–every time I need it. He imbues me with love and purpose and the power to fulfill it.

How about you? Where are you in your journey toward inner health and life purpose? Do tell! And your hobbies, do you love a good do-over too? Leave me a note and a link so we can see what you’re up to!

Happy Do-Overs to you,

Joan T. Warren

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