Tag Archives: therapy

Serenity Prayer 2.0

  • A little update to the old standby, this prayer spilled from my heart one day. I pulled over to jot it down. Here it is, in case you might need it too.


Grant me the serenity to accept reality and face it head-on with you,

the courage to do what is right,
the faith to let go of what is not mine to do,
and the wisdom to see which is which. . . and when.

Grant me the power to love beyond my personal triggers,
the patience to respond supportively when others are venting and reacting,
the perspective to see when it is time to draw a line,
and the fortitude to let my yes mean yes and my no mean no.

I thank You for your everlasting kindness and the apt and ample supply of your Holy Spirit, that we may indeed have those things we ask for in faith.

Audio version, click for my podcast link here: JOAN T WARREN PODCAST SERENITY 2.0