Tag Archives: dailyprompt-2106

A Kid at Heart?

A Kid at Heart?

WordPress Prompt: What does it mean to be a kid at heart?

For All Saints Day: November 1, 2023

Ideal, to be a child at heart.

Delighted. Lighthearted.

Venturing seas uncharted.

Winsome and wondrous, wide-eyed at play.

But was it? Or did naivety betray?

Ensnared in shackles naught to see,

Did childhood make thee victim be?

Dependent, hidden, cast to shame—

Retracting, writhing in self-blame?

A child, who knew not whom to fear

And no one cared to wipe your tear?

And now, in fully grown estate,

With childhood memories to abate

Doth kick at stones and keep at bay

The very One who could relay

A message deep, of joyous grace

Of freedom, kindness, face to face.

Return to Love, oh child within—

Sorrowed, grieved, let truth begin.

Comfort waits, and healing balm,

Reconstruction, peace and calm.

The child again may joyous be,

Fore’er to rein with dignity.

-Joan T. Warren

for those who wished to play but couldn’t--for Scrooges and Players and Hard-asses, with love.