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True Worth

True Worth

WordPress Daily Prompt: What’s something you believe everyone should know?

“A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.” (Proverbs 25:11)

Ever purchase a product that looked exquisite online, only to receive a cheap imitation? Or as a child, did you wish for a name brand doll and receive a cheap knock-off? You know the sort, where the leg pops off as soon as you bend it?

As we approach the Christmas season, crafting our shopping lists, and gathering the latest decorating trends, let’s pause a moment to consider true worth.

What gifts have you received from a well-meaning giver that you’ve never once used?

Did you secretly re-gift? Donate to charity?

Before we run all around town, or click add to cart, order now, think twice.

We’re going consumer-mad, lining the pockets of countries we wouldn’t want running our government. We’re piling up ships that cross our seas, planes across the skies, vans along our streets, all in the name of giving gifts that make us feel we’re generous. Well, some of us are. We know who we are. Yes, I’m preaching to the choir. 🙂

Here’s what I’d like us to know. We are worthwhile people without the stuff.

Let’s consider the true value of a gift. Can we design a gift especially for the person? What is that person’s “love language?” If we consider what is important, what speaks volumes, to the giftee, chances are we’ll make a better gift. One that means more to the receiver than the click, click, click of our fingers ordering mass-marketed, pollution-generating, everlasting-in-the-dump, plastic junk.

Time spent together is a gift. How about a special day at the park?

Words are a gift. Craft words–spoken or written, expressions of love, of respect, of specific praises for the one you love.

Acts of service are a gift. Clean out a gutter, shovel their snow. Carry their groceries or pull their weeds.

Affection is a gift. A hug, a warm evening snuggling by the fire, watching a movie, or holding hands while taking a walk.

For some, whose love language is gifts, consider the value of a truly meaningful item. With or without much money, consider how a hand-made or personally valued gift might mean more to your giftee than a purchase. Home-made pies, cakes, cookies or candles, crocheted or knitted items, a painting or cuttings from your garden can all be wonderful gifts from the heart. Maybe your daughter loves jewelry, and you remember you still have that piece of your mother’s in the drawer. . .

Let’s take the time this season to show our loved ones we consider their true worth.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16