Tag Archives: time

Time. . .

Time. . .

Do you need time?

It slips away. It’s of the essence. It marches on. It will tell. It heals all things. It is the great thief. It is not your friend. It is relevant. It flies. It is nigh. It is money. It is short. It’s running out. It is up.

Do we need more time, or does the longing for it speak to our hearts, reflecting the place where there is no time?

(Yes, cliches. We writers have been told not to use them. Yet, the effect of streaming all-too-familiar cliches can be calming, amusing and even thought-provoking. Did I achieve that with this “time-saving” post? Engage with me in comments, yay or nay)

And on and on


I wait for no one
I am a-wastin’
You cannot stop me

I will tell

I am an illusion
I keep on slippin’ into the future
Procrastination is my thief

If you enjoy wasting me, you will not waste me
I am an equal-opportunity employer
You can’t save me to spend me on another day
If you want me, you must make me

I change things

I am too slow for those who wait,
Too swift for those who fear,
Too long for those who grieve,
Too short for those who rejoice,
But for those who love,
I am eternity

I am the most valuable thing a man can spend
I am the coin of your life
Come spend a little with me

I am what keeps everything from happening at once
I have a wonderful way to show you what really matters
I am the clarity for seeing right and wrong

There is a place for me
I’m of the essence
I heal all wounds
I have been kind to thee

There is one of me for every purpose under heaven
I have no dominion over love
I will explain
I am on your side
You had the me of your life

I go on

I am time

I am up,
Time to go.

This, the ultimate in plagarism, a group of sayings related to time, by various famous quippers and long-forgotten cliche-makers, supplemented and arranged by yours truly, to honor my friend, who is ever precious, present, and elusive at once.

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